Welcome to the first Armoured Infantry post covering armoured and motorized infantry.
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Armoured and Motorized Infantry
The widespread use of tanks is one of the greatest changes to warfare in World War Two. As tanks could advance rapidly, infantry needed to be transported in vehicles if they were not to be left behind. Motorized infantry, transported in trucks, were used by most nations. While motorized infantry could keep up the tanks, infantry were vulnerable to enemy fire.
The Germans pioneered the use of armoured infantry. Armoured infantry are transported in armoured carriers which allows them to move rapidly and provides some protection from small arms fire. By 1942-43 the Germans were combining tanks and armoured infantry at the battalion and company level. But Germany never had sufficient resources to deploy all of its panzergrenadiers in armoured carriers. In 1944-45 trucks were still used to transport eighty percent of panzergrenadiers.