Direct Support Batteries #5

Artillery Supply

A direct support battery may run of out ammunition at the end of the turn. A battery that runs out of ammunition has its Fire Mission canceled. It may be given a new fire mission next turn.


Artillery Supply Check

The artillery supply for each direct support battery with a continuous mission or smoke mission is checked at the end of the turn. Make the checks after Fire Markers have been removed.

The firing battery rolls the battle group’s Artillery Supply Dice (4+ TN) versus 3D (4+ TN). If it rolls more successes than the 3D roll, it continues to fire next turn. If it fails to roll more successes, it stops firing and its Fire Template or Smoke Screen is removed.

Battle Group Artillery Supply Dice (4+ TN)
Commonwealth Average 4D
Germany Poor 3D
Soviet Union Good 5D
USA Good 5D

Using a Staff Order to Boost the Check

One Staff Order may be used to increase the Artillery Supply Check by +1D.

The Germans have Poor Artillery Supply (3D). At the end of the turn Max needs to make an Artillery Supply Check. As the Germans have only 3D for Artillery Supply, his chances of rolling more successes than his opponent is low. He uses a Staff Order to increase his dice to 4D. He rolls two successes. Tom rolls one success. Max’s battery continues to fire next turn.

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