Multiple Battle Groups #19

CS CHQ coverInitial Barrage

Boris has +1 Initial Barrage Modifier and uses it to target five of Max’s Blinds. After resolving the Initial Barrage the game begins with both players rolling Command Dice for each battle group.




First Turn

German Staff Orders: 8 (12 maximum)

Command Dice Pools
German Infantry Command Dice Pool: 4
Max rolls: 5, 4, 4, 3
The German Infantry battle group has three Dice Chains (5, 4×2, 3)

German Armour Command Dice Pool: 4
Max rolls: 6, 3, 2, 1 (Max discards the 1)
The German Armour battle group has two Dice Chains (3, 2) and a Wild Dice (6)

German Staff Orders: 8 (9 maximum)

Soviet Infantry Command Dice Pool: 4
Boris rolls: 5, 3, 1, 1
Command Failure! Boris passes the two 1s to Max who adds them to his Staff Orders – Max now has 10 Staff Orders.
The Soviet Infantry battle group has two Dice Chains (5, 3)

Soviet Armour Command Dice Pool: 2
Boris rolls: 6, 6
The Soviet Amour battle group has two Wild Dice (6, 6)

First Command Pulses
As Boris rolled a Command Failure, Max automatically has the first Command Pulse. He uses one of his Armour Battle Group Dice Chains (3) and a Staff Order (9 Staff Orders remaining) to order the Puma to deploy from its Blind and advance with a double move order. After resolving spotting and combat, it is now Boris’ first Command Pulse.

Boris uses a Wild Dice (6) to order his T–70 to deploy from its Blind and make a single move. After resolving spotting and combat, it is now Max’s second Command Pulse.

Second Command Pulses
Max’s Puma successfully spotted a Soviet Blind last Command Pulse and two Soviet Rifle Platoons were placed on the table. Max now uses the Puma to act as Forward Observer for his Armour battle group batteries. He uses two Staff Orders to call a Continuous Fire Mission centred on the Soviet infantry platoons. He also uses one Staff Order to call a Single Fire Mission at the same location. Max has now six Staff Orders remaining.

Max now uses an Amour Dice Chain (2) to deploy his company of two Panzer IVs and orders them to make a single move and fire on the spotted Soviet infantry. Max could have instead used an Infantry Dice Chain to activate a German infantry unit. But he could not have use the Infantry Dice Chain to activate an Armour unit.

It is now Boris’ second Command Pulse. With artillery falling onto his infantry and Panzer IVs firing at them, Boris uses a Dice Chain (5) to order his infantry to Disengage. If Boris didn’t have any Infantry Dice Chains, he could have order the infantry to Disengage by using one of his Staff Orders.

Subsequent Command Pulses
Max and Boris continue to alternate Command Pulses until all Dice Chains have been used.

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