Msus – April 1941: Part 7

6. Turn 5 and it’s getting nasty.

On the right flank the German Blind has advanced and revealed itself as another PzIII Kompanie. The last British tank reserves are brought on and Staff Orders are getting critical. But the real pain is again on the left flank.



7. The British left under pressure

Artillery rains down on the 6th RTR position on the ridge. The unit that has been pushed back has rallied successfully but before it can re-enter the fray it comes under fire again from the Mark IIIs and is left a smoking wreck.

8. Further trouble on the left.

To add to their troubles, the British find most of the German orders are allocated on the left. Here we see the reserve units have been outflanked by the light Panzer II platoon, which can be very dangerous with close range flanking fire. The A9 troop has been destroyed, but gallant defence by the M13s has suppressed the German attack for now. By the end of Turn 5, the British are in trouble, having lost 5 of their 10 Morale Points.

9. Catastrophic German Command Failure.

A possible opportunity for the British. They are under enormous pressure. Perhaps this is their opportunity to strike back?


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