Up to three support groups may be added to a battle group. In terms of game balance, it’s best if the same type of support group is added to each player’s battle groups, but you may decide to alter this providing both players agree.
Calculating the New Battle Group Statistics
After adding support units, you’ll need to recalculate the number of Command Dice, Staff Orders, and Army Morale Points.
Command Dice: Command Dice are determined by dividing the total number of units in the battle group by the Command Dice Divider rounding up.
For example, Italian forces have a Command Dice Divider of 3.5. The core armour group contains 16 units. 16 divided by 3.5 = 4.57 (rounded up to 5). Three M11/39s are added as tank support which increases the number of total units to 19. 19 divided by 3 = 5.42 (rounded down to 5).
Staff Orders Divider: The initial number of Staff Orders is determined by dividing the total number of units by the Staff Order Divider and rounding up. For example, the Italian armour group has a Staff Order Divider of 4. With 16 units this equals 4 Staff Orders. After the battle group is increased to 19, this increases to 5 (4.75 rounded up).
Rally Dice: Unchanged.
Artillery Response Dice: Unchanged.
Army Morale Points: Divide the number of units by 2 (round up) and add the number of Command Dice. A force with 16 units and five Command Dice has an Army Morale of 13 (8+5).