US Briefing – Battle 3

Time: 0800 hours, 21st September

Location: Near Lezey, Lorraine

US Battle Group Statistics

Units: 17

Command Dice: 6

Staff Orders: 4

Rally Dice: 4

Artillery Response Dice: 4

Army Morale: 15

US Battle Group Units

Armour Company
    M4 75mm
    M4 75mm
    M4 76mm
Armour Company
    M4 75mm
    M4 75mm
    M4 76mm
Armour Company
    M4 75mm
    M4 75mm
    M4 76mm
Armour Company
    M5 Light Tank
    M5 Light Tank
    M5 Light Tank
Tank Destroyer Company
    M10 Tank Destroyer
    M10 Tank Destroyer
    M10 Tank Destroyer
Off-Table Artillery
    105mm Howitzer
    105mm Howitzer

US Set-Up

Battle 3 Map

Initial Forces: The M5s are deployed after the Germans have placed their hidden units. The M5s deploy anywhere along the friendly table edge in the US deployment zone. All other units enter as reserves.

Reserves: The remaining armour companies and tank destroyer company may be committed as reserves from the second turn. Each company is a separate Command Group. They may enter anywhere along the friendly table edge within the US deployment zone.

No reserves may be committed during a turn in which you roll a Command Failure.

First Command Pulse: The US player automatically has the first Command Pulse even if he rolls a Command Failure.

Victory or Defeat: You win if you the reduce the Germans to zero Army Morale Points. You lose if the Germans reduce you to zero Army Morale Points.

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US Statistics – Battle 3.

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