Starting Soon – The CHQ Playtest

  • 375px-Gen._Bernard_Law_Montgomery_and_Lt._Gen._George_S._Patton,_Jr.,Are you interested in World War Two wargaming?
  • Would you like to help shape a new set of rules?
  • Best of all – no experience necessary!

I’m looking for gamers to make Combat HQ the greatest ever set of large-scale World War Two wargame rules. If you’re interested in helping, either sign up for the newsletter here, or keep an eye on the website for a future announcement.


I’m currently collating and editing Armour Battles. As soon as that’s completed, I’ll be finalising the playtest copy.

Playtest Guidelines

Here’s some information:

What’s the Playtest Document?

  • it’s the current version of the game that has been played and developed over the last two years and is now ready for wider feedback
  • it will be sent out as a PDF

What’s Included?

  • the core rules intended to get players up and running as quickly as possible
  • it covers the war in France in 1944
  • it will later cover the war in the east in 1944

What’s Not Included?

  • Advanced Rules
  • Extensive Army Lists
    • Both will be available later as separate books and will be playtested closer to the time

What Do I Need From You?

  • to play the game and have fun
  • to provide honest feedback on the game
  • including, but not limited to:
    • your initial thoughts
    • how it plays
    • is it fun?
    • how would you improve it?
    • how clear are the rules?

Sending Feedback

  • I’ll be setting up a Facebook Group where comments can be freely shared amongst the members
  • You can post comments at
  • You can also contact me directly via email
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