Tag Archives: World War Two Wargame Rules

May 1941 – Italian Support Units

One to three support groups can be added to the core group.             Medium Armour Company M13/40 M13/40 M13/40 Medium Armour Company M13/40 M13/40 M13/40 Medium Armour Company M13/40 M13/40 M13/40

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May 1941 – Italian Armour Battle Group

Brevity to Battleaxe The obsolete Italian CV33s were destroyed during Operation Compass. A few M11/39 tanks survive, but the M13/40 now equips the majority of the battle group’s units.         National Abilities The Italian artillery is well-trained … Continue reading

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May 1941- Afrika Korps Statistics

Recon SdKfz 222 The SdKfz is a light armoured car, equipped with a 20mm gun. Like most armoured cars it relies on its Break-off ability to avoid combat with better-armoured tanks.     Type: Light AFV Training: Regular Move: Fast … Continue reading

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May 1941 – Afrika Korps Support Groups

Support Unit Dividers Use the following dividers when recalculating battle group statistics after adding support units. Command Dice Divider: 2.75 Staff Order Divider: 4 Support Groups Light Panzer Company PzKw II F PzKw III E PzKw III E Light Panzer … Continue reading

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May 1941 – Afrika Korps Battle Group

This battle group is based on the 15th Panzer Division in early 1941. Units: 14 Command Dice: 5 Staff Orders: 5 Rally Dice: 4 Artillery Response Dice: 4 Morale: 12 Artillery Supply: Average Initial Barrage Round Modifier: 0 Core Units … Continue reading

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