Operation Crusader – Commonwealth Battle Group

commonwealth_flagBy Operation Crusader US-built M3 light tanks (Honeys) had replaced the older cruisers and MK VIbs, increasing the Battle Group’s mobility and reliability. The A13s have been replaced by the newer A15s.


National Abilities

Command Dice Divider: 3

Staff Order Divider: 4

Training: All units are regular.

Battle Group Statistics

Units: 14

Command Dice: 5

Staff Orders: 4

Rally Dice: 4

Artillery Response Dice: 4

Morale: 12

Artillery Supply: Average
Initial Barrage Round Modifier: +1

Core Units


  • M3 Honey


  • A13 Close Support

Armour Squadron

  • M3 Honey
  • M3 Honey
  • M3 Honey

Armour Squadron

  • A15 Cruiser
  • A15 Cruiser
  • A15 Cruiser

Armour Squadron

  • A15 Cruiser
  • A15 Cruiser
  • A15 Cruiser

Off-Table Artillery

  • 25-pounder Battery
  • 25-pounder Battery
  • 25-pounder Battery
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