May 1941 – Italian Statistics


Autoblinda AB–40 Armoured Car

ab-40_00The AB–40 is a fast and reliable armoured car armed with twin machine guns.




Type: Armoured Car

Training: Regular

Move: Fast

Reliability: Average

Reaction: 3D

Weapon: Machine Gun

  • Range: 6/12/24
  • FP: 5D AT:

Notes: Recon. Break-off. No radios.

Autoblinda AB41 Armoured Car

autoblinda_ab_41_28The AB41 is equipped with a 20L65 making it effective against Commonwealth vehicles.





Type: Armoured Car

Training: Regular

Move: Fast

Reliability: Average

Reaction: 3D

Weapon: 20L65 Gun

  • Range: 6/12/24
  • FP: 4D AT: 4D

Notes: Recon. Break-off. No radios.


Carro Veloce 3/33 (L3/35)

ansaldo-fiat-cv33-05Developed from the British Carden-Lloyd tankette the L3/35 is outdated and outclassed by the British Cruisers.




Type: Light AFV

Training: Regular

Move: Average

Reliability: Poor

Reaction: 4D (3D)

Weapon: Machine Gun

  • Range: 6/12/24
  • FP: 5D AT:

Notes: Low profile. Break-off. No radios.

Carro Veloce 3 (L3/35)

Armed with a Solothurn S–18/100 anti-tank rifle, this version has some Anti-Tank capability, but with a very limited range.

Type: Light AFV

Training: Regular

Move: Average

Reliability: Poor

Reaction: 4D (3D)

Weapon: Solothurn S–18/100 Anti-tank Rifle

  • Range: 2/5/10
  • FP: AT: 4D

Notes: Low profile. No radios.

Carro Veloce 3 (Flamethrower)

cv335This L3/35 is armed with a flamethrower. While potentially devastating, the flamethrower has a much shorter range than an anti-tank gun.



Type: Light AFV

Training: Regular

Move: Average

Reliability: Poor

Reaction: 4D (3D)

Weapon: Flamethrower

  • Range: 1/2/3
  • FP: 10D AT: 10D

Notes: Low profile. No radios.

Carro Armato M11/39

m1139The M11/39 is an improvement over the CV3/33 with increased armour and a better gun, but the 37mm gun is restricted to a 180° fire arc.



Type: Medium AFV

Training: Regular

Move: Average

Reliability: Poor

Reaction: 4D

Weapon: 37L40 Gun

  • Range: 6/12/24
  • FP: 5D AT: 5D

Notes: Hull-mounted weapon. 180° fire arc. It may fire its turret machine guns ( *FP: 5D) in a 360° fire arc. No Radios.

Carro Armato M13/40

Bundesarchiv_Bild_101I-783-0104-38,_Nordafrika,_italienische_Panzer_M13-40A more effective design than the M11/39, the M13/40 has a turret-mounted 47mm gun and can hold its own against the British Cruisers.



Type: Medium AFV

Training: Regular

Move: Average
Reliability: Poor
Reaction: 4D
Weapon: 47L32

  • Range: 7/14/28
  • FP: 5D AT: 6D
    Notes: No radios.

Off-Table Artillery

Obice da 105/14 modello 18

First used in World War One, this 105mm howitzer also served the Italians in World War Two.

Type: Medium Battery

Training: Regular



Weapon: 105mm howitzer

  • Range: Off-Table
  • FP: 4D AT: 4D

Notes: Artillery Suppression

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