May 1941 – Italian Armour Battle Group

Brevity to Battleaxe

480px-Flag_of_Italy_(1860).svgThe obsolete Italian CV33s were destroyed during Operation Compass. A few M11/39 tanks survive, but the M13/40 now equips the majority of the battle group’s units.





National Abilities

The Italian artillery is well-trained and well-motivated giving them five dice for Artillery Response.

Command Dice Divider: 3.5

Staff Order Divider: 4

Training: All units are regular.

Battle Group Statistics

Units: 15

Command Dice: 4

Staff Orders: 4

Rally Dice: 4

Artillery Response Dice: 5

Army Morale: 12

Artillery Supply: Average

Initial Barrage Round Modifier: 0

Core Units


  • AB–41 Armoured Car

Medium Armour Company

  • M11/39
  • M11/39
  • M11/39

Medium Armour Company

  • M13/40
  • M13/40
  • M13/40

Medium Armour Company

  • M13/40
  • M13/40
  • M13/40

Medium Armour Company

  • M13/40
  • M13/40
  • M13/40

Off-Table Artillery

  • Obice da 105/14 modello 18 Battery
  • Obice da 105/14 modello 18 Battery
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