German Briefing – Battle 3

Time: 0800 hours, 21st September

Location: Near Lezey, Lorraine

The Americans are close to breaking through our lines. A Tiger I platoon is on its way to your position. Destroy the enemy amour. Show the Americans that Germany can still fight.

German Battle Group Statistics

Units: 14

Command Dice: 5

Staff Orders: 4

Rally Dice: 4

Artillery Response Dice: 4

Army Morale: 12

German Battle Group Units

Panzer Company
    Panther Aus F
    Panther Aus F
    Panther Aus F
Panzer Company
    PzKwf IV H
    PzKwf IV H
    PzKwf IV H
Recon Company
    SdKfz 234/2 Puma
    SdKfz 234/2 Puma
    SdKfz 234/2 Puma
Assault Gun Company
    Stug III
    Stug III
    Stug III
Heavy Tank Platoon
    Tiger I
Off-Table Artillery
    105L28 Howitzer

German Set-Up

Battle 3 Map

Initial Forces: The Stug IIIs are deployed as hidden units any where in the German deployment zone.

One to three Pumas (your choice) are deployed as a company on your Friendly Table Edge any where in your Deployment Zone. Any Pumas that are not deployed may be added to your Panzer companies (one Puma per company).

Reserves: The Panzer companies may be committed as reserves from the second turn. They may enter anywhere along the friendly table edge within the German deployment zone.

The Tiger I may be committed as a reserve from the third turn. It enters anywhere along the friendly table edge within the German deployment zone.

No reserves may be committed during a turn in which you roll a Command Failure.

First Command Pulse: The US player automatically has the first Command Pulse even if he rolls a Command Failure.

Victory or Defeat: You win if you the reduce the Americans to zero Army Morale Points. You lose if the Americans reduce you to zero Army Morale Points.

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German Statistics – Battle 3.

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