Combat HQ – Take and Hold

Take and Hold

Combat HQ Cover CroppedThe Attacker is trying to capture a strategic location. Once captured the objective must be held until the end of the game. The Defender must hold the objective or recapture it if it is lost to the enemy.

Special Rules: The Attacker’s objective should be a strategic location such as a medium or large building or hill that can be later used by artillery observers to target artillery fire onto the enemy’s rear positions. Players should agree on a suitable objective when setting up the table.

To be in possession of the objective the Attacker must have at least one un-suppressed unit on it, and there must be no enemy units on it.

The attacker is awarded three Morale Points when he first succeeds in capturing the objective. These Morale Points are added to his current total. If the Defender succeeds in retaking the objective, the Attacker subtracts three Morale Points from his total and gives them to the Defender. If the Attacker captures the objective again, the Defender subtracts three Moral Points from his total and gives them to the Attacker. Three Morale Points are exchanged each time the objective is captured from the other player.

A player with one or two Morale Points who loses control of the objective is reduced to zero Morale Points. He will lose the game at the end of the current turn unless he regains Morale Points. His opponent receives three Morale Points, regardless of the number remaining.

A player with Zero Morale Points who takes control of the objective is awarded only one Morale Point by his opponent instead of the usual three. He’s back in the game and will win a Minor Victory if his opponent has been reduced to zero Morale Points.

Take and Hold reduced

Attacker Briefing

You must capture a strategic location (such as a medium or large building or a hill). Your objective is placed in the Defender’s Deployment Zone.

Initial Units: You deploy 75% of your battle group.

Reserves: High Command will release the remaining 25% of your battle group on the turn you capture the objective or when the Defender enters his first Reserves. Your Reserves enter the table along your Friendly Table Edge.

Deployment: You deploy after the Defender has deployed. You may deploy using Blinds.

Artillery Missions: Single and continuous barrages.

Initial Barrage Rounds: 0.

Defender Briefing

The Attacker is trying to capture a strategic location. You must prevent him capturing it or retake it if he does capture it.

Initial Units: You deploy 50% of your battle group.

Reserves: 25% of your battle group is available as Reserves when the Attacker first fires at or Close Assaults any of your units located in or on the objective. You can enter the final 25% of your battle group after the Attacker commits his Reserves or after he captures the objective.

Deployment: You deploy first. Defending units are deployed as Blinds or Hidden Units.

Artillery Missions: Single and continuous barrages. Each artillery battery may plot two pre-registered barrages. You may plot these onto the Attacker’s objective.

Defences and Fortifications: You have 12” of trenches available and may dig in machine guns, mortars and anti-tank guns. You may place revetments for six (or less) vehicles in your deployment zone.

Starting the Battle

The Attacker has the first turn.

Ending the Battle

The mission ends when one side suffers a Morale Collapse or the agreed time is reached.

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