Combat HQ – Hold the Line

Hold the Line

Combat HQ Cover CroppedThe Defender has pulled back to a prepared position. A small force has been ordered to delay the Attacker for as long as possible while Reserves are sent to reinforce it.

Attacker Briefing

The enemy is withdrawing all along the front, but pockets of resistance still hold out. You must eradicate the enemy’s force.

Initial Units: You deploy 50%–75% of your force.

Reserves: You may have up to 25–50% of your force available as Reserves. Reserves enter the table from Turn 2 along your Friendly Table Edge.

Deployment: You deploy after the Defender has deployed. You may deploy using Blinds.

Artillery Missions: Single and continuous barrages.

Initial Barrage Rounds: D3.

Attack Defend

Defender Briefing

The enemy is trying to break through your position. You must not let him!

Initial Units: 50% of your battle group is deployed at the start of the game.

Reserves: 25% of your battle group enters the table from Turn 2. The other 25% enters from Turn 3.

Deployment: You deploy first. Defending units are deployed as Blinds or Hidden Units.

Artillery Missions: Single and continuous barrages. Each artillery battery may plot two pre-registered barrages.

Defences and Fortifications: You have 12” of trenches available and may dig in machine guns, mortars and anti-tank guns. You may place revetments for six (or less) vehicles in your deployment zone.

You also have two bunkers available. Each bunker can hold one infantry or machine gun platoon.

Starting the Battle

The Attacker has the first turn.

Ending the Battle

The mission ends when one side suffers a Morale Collapse or the agreed time is reached.

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