Close Support

Cromwell-VI close supportHowitzers were fitted to vehicles to provide close support in the form of smoke screens and High Explosive fire.




Direct Fire: Roll the unit’s FP or AT Dice depending on the target as usual. Apply modifiers based on the range to the target.

Indirect Fire: The unit may use indirect fire providing another unit acts as its Forward Observer. The unit fires against one unit in the same way as a mortar. When using indirect fire its FP Dice are halved (round up). It fires with a 4+ TN at effective and long ranges. It cannot fire at short range.

Indirect fire causes artillery suppressions.

Subtract -1D if the firing unit makes a double move, and -2D if it makes a triple move.

Smoke Screen: The unit may fire a smoke screen using direct or indirect fire. The smoke screen has a 3” diameter (the same as a mortar smoke screen) and does not deviate. It lasts until the player’s next Logistics Phase. When firing smoke, the unit cannot use any other type of fire.

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