Battle of France – German Statistics


Panzer I Ausf B

panzer-i-b-1Originally produced in 1934, the Panzer I was not designed as a main battle tank, but saw extensive service in 1939–40. Here it’s used as a reconnaissance vehicle.



Type: Light AFV

Training: Regular

Move: Average

Reliability: Average

Reaction: 3D

Weapon: Machine Gun

  • Range: 6/12/24
  • FP: 5D AT:

Notes: Recon. Break-off. Anti-armour machine gun.


Panzer II Ausf C

Panzer_II_ausf_C_light_tankThe Panzer II’s 20mm gun and thicker armour make it an improvement over the Panzer I. While capable of supporting the other tanks in its company, it is vulnerable to enemy fire.



Type: Light AFV

Training: Regular

Move: Average

Reliability: Average

Reaction: 4D

Weapon: 20L55 Gun

  • Range: 6/12/24
  • FP: 4D AT: 4D

Notes: Two-man turret.

Panzer 38 (t)

PzKpfw-38t-number-821Originally designated as the LT vz. 38 (Lehký tank vzor 38, Light Tank model 380), it was re-classified as the Panzer 38(t). Large numbers of Panzer 38(t)s were employed by Germany following the annexation of Czechoslovakia in 1938.



Type: Light AFV

Training: Regular

Move: Average

Reliability: Average

Reaction: 4D

Weapon: 37L40 Gun

  • Range: 6/12/24
  • FP: 5D AT: 5D

Notes: Two-man turret.

Panzer III Ausf E

panzer-iii-e-1The Panzer III was designed as a battle tank and was used extensively until 1944 when it was replaced by the Panzer V (Panther). The Ausf E is fitted with a 37L45 gun.




Type: Medium AFV

Training: Regular

Move: Average

Reliability: Average

Reaction: 4D

Weapon: 37L45 Gun

  • Range: 6/12/24
  • FP: 5D AT: 5D

Panzer IV Ausf D

PzIV_ausf_DbThe Panzer IV was first produced in 1936 and was used throughout World War Two with great success. Originally designed as a close support tank the Panzer IV later evolved into a front line combat tank.




Type: Medium AFV

Training: Regular

Move: Average

Reliability: Average

Reaction: 4D

Weapon: 75L24 Gun

  • Range: 7/14/28
  • FP: 6D AT: 5D

Notes: Close support.

Off-Table Artillery

10.5 cm leFH 18 Battery

leFH16The 10.5 cm leFH 18 provides off-table artillery support.




Type: Medium Off-table Artillery

Training: Regular



Weapon:105mm howitzer

  • Range: Off-Table
  • FP: 4D AT: 4D

Notes: Artillery Suppression.

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