Battle of France – Commonwealth Statistics



Mk VIb Light Tank
Light_Tank_Mk_VIBFast and lightly armoured, MK VIb tanks are armed with two machine guns making them effective against infantry and lightly armoured vehicles, but ineffective against more heavily armoured vehicles. Use it’s Break-off ability to get it out of trouble.



Type: Light AFV
Move: Fast

Reliability: Poor

Reaction: 3D

Weapon: Machine Guns

  • Range: 6/12/24
  • FP: 6D AT:

Notes: Recon. Break-off. Anti-armour machine gun.

Infantry Tanks

A11 Matilda Mk I

300px-IWM-KID-68-MatildaThe Matilda Mk I is heavily armoured, but has exposed tracks and running gear which reduces its Reaction to 5D. Armed only with a machine-gun, the Matilda I was outclassed by most German tanks and was withdrawn from active service after the Battle of France.



Type: Medium AFV
Training: Regular

Move: Slow

Reliability: Poor

Reaction: 5D

Weapon: Machine Gun

  • Range: 6/12/24
  • FP: 5D AT:

Notes: One-man turret. Anti-armour machine gun

A12 Matilda Mk II

220px-Matilda_II_Tarakan_(089970)Heavily armoured and slow moving, the Matilda II is resistant to enemy fire.




Type: Heavy AFV

Training: Regular

Move: Slow

Reliability: Poor

Reaction: 6D

Weapon: 2-pounder Gun

  • Range: 6/12/24
  • FP: 5D AT: 6D

Notes: No HE ammunition.

Off-Table Artillery

25-pounder Battery

25pdrtrainThe Ordnance QF 25-pounder (87.6 mm) equips the armoured divisions with effective off-table artillery.



Type: Light Off-table Artillery

Training: Regular



Weapon: 25-pounder

  • Range: Off-Table
  • FP: 3D AT: 3D

Notes: Artillery Suppression

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