Battle for Mechili – Italian Reserves Turn 3

V Medium Tank Battalion

The V Medium Tank Battalion enters as two groups. With a successful Reserve Check, a group enters the table as a Blind and may make a Reserve Move. On a failed check, it halts at the table edge.

Turn 3 ReservesV Medium Tank Battalion
Medium Tank Company 3x M13/40 Platoons
Medium Tank Company 3x M13/40 Platoons

II Battalion 12th Savona Artillery Regiment

The II Battalion 12th Savona Artillery Regiment enters as one group. On a successful Reserve Check, both batteries enter the table as a Blind and may make a Reserve Move. On a failed check, they halt at the table edge.

Turn 3 ReservesII Battalion 12th Savona Artillery Regiment
Field Gun Battery1x Canone da 75/27 Modello 11 Field Gun Battery + Truck
Field Gun Battery1x Canone da 75/27 Modello 11 Field Gun Battery + Truck

Reserves Entry Zone

Reserves enter as Blinds anywhere along the Italian Table Edge.

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