Battle for Mechili – Commonwealth Reserves

Historically, the 2nd Battalion Royal Tank Regiment and its supporting units were slow to respond to the 7th Hussars’ request for support as they didn’t believe that Italian tanks could attack.


Reserves – Turn 2

B Squadron, 2nd Royal Tank Regiment

B Squadron, 2nd Royal Tank Regiment may be called from Turn 2 onwards. This roll is made with a 5+ TN. If the roll is failed, the B Squadron fails to arrive this turn. Another call may be made the following turn with a 4+ TN. Again, if the roll is failed, the unit fails to arrive. On each following turn, the TN is reduced by -1 until the reserves check is successful and the units arrive, or the TN drops to 1 when they arrive automatically. B Squadron may make a Reserve Move when it enters the table.

Turn 2 ReservesB Squadron, 2nd Royal Tank Regiment
B Squadron (3rd Hussars)3x Mk VIb Recon Platoons

Reserves – Turn 3

The remainder of the 2nd Royal Tank Regiment and its supporting units can only be called after B Squadron has entered the table. These checks can be made in the same turn that B Squadron arrives, but not during Turn 2. On a successful Reserve Check, a Reserve group  enters the table as a Blind and may make a Reserve Move. On a failed check, it halts at the table edge.

2nd Battalion Royal Tank Regiment

The 2nd Royal Tank Regiment enters as three groups. On a successful Reserve Check, a  group enters the table as a Blind and may make a Reserve Move, on a failed check it halts at the table edge.

Turn 3 Reserves2nd Battalion Royal Tank Regiment (-)
HQ Squadron 1x A9 Close Support Platoon
A Squadron 3x A13 Cruiser Mk III Platoons
B Squadron 3x A10 Cruiser Mk II Platoons

4th Royal Horse Artillery

The 4th Royal Horse Artillery Regiment is an off-table unit. It can only be called as a reserve unit after the HQ Squadron of the 2nd Royal Tank Regiment has entered the table. If called successfully, it may be given a fire mission that turn. Otherwise it may be given a fire mission on the following turn.

Turn 3 Reserves4th Royal Horse Artillery Regiment (-)
1x Light Direct Support Battery1x Light Battery (25-pounder)

Reserves Entry Zone

All Commonwealth Reserves enter as Blinds anywhere along their Friendly Table Edge.

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