Armour Battles – What Next?

Armour Battles New Cover

After playing the three battles, try replaying them using all of the forces for Battle 3, but this time decide where and when units are deployed. You could start with all vehicles on the table, or have them enter as reserves in the first turn. Both sides may deploy one or two hidden Command Groups at the start of the game.

You can also form your own Command Groups at the start of the game. For example, the US player might want to group his three M4 76mm tanks into the same battle group, and to add one M5 to each of his M4 companies. Similarly, the German player might want to add one or two Pumas to his Panzer or Stug III Command Groups.

You might also like to increase the amount of artillery so the US starts with three M7 HMCs the Germans with two 105mm howitzers. If you take this option, add one Army Morale Point and one Staff Order to each side.

You can also play around with the terrain to create different battlefields. The main thing when placing terrain is to provide cover and to block Lines of Sight so that vehicles are forced to manoeuvre.

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