Line of Sight (LOS) determines whether one unit can see another. It consists of drawing an imaginary line across the table from one unit to another. LOS is blocked if it passes through a solid object such as a tall wall or hedge, a building, hill or smoke screen.
There are many different ways to check LOS. Some players prefer to stretch a length of string between the viewing unit and its target. Some prefer to use laser pointers, and some prefer to eyeball it by getting down to table level and sighting along the ground. All of these ways are fine. Just watch out for your opponent’s eyes when using a laser pointer!
For a unit to be in LOS at least half of the unit’s base must be visible to the unit drawing the LOS. It doesn’t matter if the rest of the base is hidden behind a building, wall, etc, it can still be seen.
Terrain comes in so many different heights and sizes that it’s impossible to provide LOS rules for all occasions. The following guidelines work well, and can be easily changed if both players agree.
Woods: Woods always block LOS. Any unit within 1” of the edge of a wood can see out of the wood, and be seen by any other unit outside of the wood. Two units within a wood can see each other up to 1” away.
Hills: Hills always block LOS. Only a higher hill can provide LOS over a lower one.
Hedges: Hedges block LOS. But LOS may be drawn across hedges from a hill. Units adjacent to a hedge may fire through it with no penalty.
Friendly Units: Friendly units always block LOS unless the firing unit is on a higher elevation and the friendly unit is closer to the firing unit than its target.
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In my next post I look at unit morale.