The Soviets Regroup a T-34/43 Platoon.
End of Command Pulse.
The Soviets Regroup a T-34/43 Platoon.
End of Command Pulse.
The Germans Regroup a Panther Platoon.
End of Command Pulse.
The Soviets call for a Battlefield Fire Mission. It arrives but deviates 12″ towards a T34/85 Battalion! A T-34/85 Platoon is Dispersed! The Soviets lose 2 Morale. The Soviet Recon breaks-off to the rear.
The Battlefield Fire Mission also hits a Panther Platoon suppressing it.
The Soviets follow through with two air attacks. One is suppressed and driven off by the German Wirblewind Platoon. The other aircraft attacks to no effect.
The Soviets remove a suppression from a T-34/85 Platoon.
End of Command Pulse.
German and Soviet reserves are available!
The Germans roll a Command Failure giving the Soviets two Wild Dice.
The Soviet airforce brushes aside the Luftwaffe. Two Soviet aircraft are available.
The Germans get two General Support Batteries. The Soviets get five!
The Soviets have the 1st Command Pulse.
A Panther Platoon gets two Disruptions on a T-34/85 Platoon.
End of Turn 1.