The Germans regroup a Blind previously hit by a Soviet Initial Bombardment.
End of Command Pulse.
The Germans regroup a Blind previously hit by a Soviet Initial Bombardment.
End of Command Pulse.
The Across the Vistula battles continue as the Soviets launch an attack into the German Flank. Can the Soviets drive in the German infantry’s flank before the Panzers arrive?
This battle report starts on Turn One as the Soviet attack gets underway.
Both sides roll a Command Failure. The Germans have the First Command Pulse.
The Soviets have the upper hand in the fight between the Panthers and SU-100s, but fail to reduce the German Morale Sufficiently. A close run battle ending in a decisive German victory!
The Germans attack with a Tiger II platoon that fails to hit. The Soviets regroup a SU-100 platoon and a T-34/85 platoon. Everything hinges on End of Turn Fire.
End of Command Pulses.
The SU-100 platoons make a triple advance. One is suppressed by opportunity fire.
End of Command Pulse.