The Germans store a Staff Order.
End of Command Pulse.
The Germans store a Staff Order.
End of Command Pulse.
The Soviets prepare to attack. Their Recon spots the Panzergrenadiers in the village.
The Soviets successfully call their two Extra-Light batteries, but to no effect.
End of Command Pulse.
The Germans activate a Blind but it fails to spot a Soviet Blind. They decide to wait before calling a Fire Mission.
End of Command Pulse.
The Soviets also regroup a Blind.
End of Command Pulse.
It’s taken longer to sort out the internet after moving to mainland Spain than planned. I’m pleased to say that the Starlink satellite internet was delivered yesterday and was up and running in only 10 minutes! I’m now back to regular game postings.
The ferry from Fuerteventura to mainland Spain.
Crossing the Atlantic.
Arriving at Cadiz 36 hours later.
A two and half hour drive brings us to the house. Now the endless unpacking begins…