Milan vs Venice – Start of Turn 1

Command Dice are rolled. Both sides roll a Command Failure!

Hold Tests are made for Impulsive cavalry. As Milan (Green Dice) rolled the most 1s, it checks first.

One Milanese Elmeti unit makes a Double Move forward. The Elmeti enter the field and halt. After making their move, they are Disordered.

Impulsive Milanese Famiglia de Casa ignore the order to hold!

The Milanese Famiglia de Casa ride forward to challenge the Venetians. They are Disordered by their move.

Two Venetian Elmeti units move forward.

Blocked by the friendly cavalry, the Elmeti halt behind them. The other unit rides through the Mounted Crossbows. Both Elmeti units are Disordered.

With both sides rolling Command Failures, there are lots of cavalry on the move! Venice has the first Command Pulse.

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