Battle of France – Special Unit Rules

Driver-Aimed Gun

Aiming of the hull-mounted gun is performed by the driver. As the driver cannot drive and aim the gun at the same time, the weapon may cannot be fired when the vehicle moves. However, the vehicle can use opportunity fire.

Hull-Mounted Weapon

A hull-mounted weapon is restricted to a 180 degree arc of fire and cannot fire from behind medium or hard cover. It may fire from behind light cover.

Anti-Armour Machine Gun

Many early war tanks are armed only with machine guns. While lacking dedicated anti-tank weapons they are still capable of damaging enemy armour. When firing at armoured vehicles deduct the vehicle’s Reaction Dice from the machine gun’s FP, then roll the remaining dice as normal.

For example, a Mk VIb is firing at an M11/39 Italian tank. The Mk VIb has 7D FP. The M11/39 has 5D Reaction. Deducting 5D from 7D results in 2D that can be used to fire against the M11/39. The most hits the Mk VIb can cause is two and this is still opposed to the M11/39’s 5D Reaction. If the Mk VIb later fires against an L3/35 with only 3D Reaction, it would fire with 4D giving it a good chance of hitting the L3/35.

One-Man Turret

The one man turret requires the commander to load and fire the turret gun, as well as direct the tank’s operation. The effect of this “one man orchestra” is to severely limit the tank’s capabilities. All fire by the turret weapon is reduced by –1D (calculated in the unit’s statistics) to account for the slower loading speed.

The vehicle is subject to an additional –1D penalty when firing its turret weapons when moving. This increases the Single Move penalty to –1D, the Double move penalty to –2D, and the Triple Move penalty to –3D.

No HE Ammunition

Some early war guns did not fire High Explosive ammunition. Unless otherwise listed, guns can always fire HE.

Weapons that cannot fire High Explosive shells have reduced effect when firing at effective and long ranges against infantry and other soft targets. All fire from such weapons is with a +1 TN penalty. Therefore, a unit without HE fires at –1 TN at short range, +1 TN at effective range, and +2 TN at long range.

No Radios

Vehicles without radios have their Command Group radius to 3”. All units must be within 3” of the leader to be included in a Command Group.

Two-Man Turret

A two-man turret requires the tank commander to aim and fire the turret’s gun which makes it difficult for the vehicle to move and fire. The vehicle is subject to an additional –1D penalty when firing its turret weapons when moving. This increases the Single Move penalty to –1D, the Double move penalty to –2D, and the Triple Move penalty to –3D.

Two Weapons

A vehicle equipped with two weapons, may only fire one of them each turn. The player selects which one before rolling its AT Dice.

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