Battle of France – French Statistics


Panhard 178

panhard178_03The Panhard was an advanced four-wheel drive design that continued to be produced after World War Two. Armed with a 25 mm gun, it packs a good punch for its size and is an excellent recon vehicle.



Type: Armoured Car

Training: Regular

Move: Fast

Reliability: Average

Reaction: 3D

Weapon: 25L72 Gun

  • Range: 6/12/24
  • FP: 5D AT: 4D

Notes: Recon. Break-off.


Renault R35

r35_1-viThe Renault R35 forms the majority of France’s armoured units, but it’s a flawed design. While intended to be a light, two-man tank is slow, although well-armoured. Like many French tanks, it has a one-man turret which reduces its combat abilities.



Type: Light AFV
Training: Regular

Move: Slow

Reliability: Poor

Reaction: 5D

Weapon: 37L21 Gun

  • Range: 6/12/24
  • FP: 5D AT: 3D

Notes: One-man turret.

Hotchkiss H39

3-h39The Hotchkiss is a slightly improved design on the Renault R35 being faster and armed with a better gun. However, it’s one-man turret reduces its combat abilities.




Type: Light AFV

Training: Regular

Move: Average

Reliability: Poor

Reaction: 5D

Weapon: 37L33 Gun

  • Range: 6/12/24
  • FP: 5D AT: 4D

Notes: One-man turret.

Char D2

Char2dThe Char D2 has good armour and is armed with a 47mm gun. Like other French tanks, it suffers from a one-man turret and poor reliability.




Type: Medium AFV

Training: Regular

Move: Slow

Reliability: Poor

Reaction: 5D

Weapon: 47L35 Gun

  • Range: 7/14/28
  • FP: 5D AT: 5D

Notes: One-man turret.

Char B1 bis

char 1bisBased on outmoded design concepts the Char B1 owes its origins to World War One tank design. Slow and unreliable, the Char B1 Bis is heavily-armoured and with a hull-mounted 76m gun and a one-man turret. The 75mm gun may only be fired if the Char B1 Bis doesn’t move, but may be used for opportunity fire.

Type: Heavy AFV

Training: Regular

Move: Slow

Reliability: Poor

Reaction: 6D

Weapon: 75mm hull-mounted Gun

  • Range: 6/12/24
  • FP: 6D AT: 6D

Weapon: 45mm Gun in turret

  • Range: 7/14/28
  • FP: 5D AT: 5D

Notes: Two weapons. Driver-Aimed Gun. Hull-mounted weapon. One Man Turret.

Somua S35

Somua_S35_number_70The Somua S35 features sloping armour and benefits from having a 1 1/2 man turret which allows the loader to reload the gun from his position within the hull. This is classed as two-man turret. The Somua S35 one of the best tanks in the Battle of France.

Type: Medium AFV

Training: Regular

Move: Average

Reliability: Poor

Reaction: 6D/5D

Weapon: 47L35 Gun

  • Range: 7/14/28
  • FP: 5D AT: 6D

Notes: Two-man turret. Sloping armour.

Off-Table Artillery

French 75 Battery

f113xiiThe 75mm gun was originally deployed in 1897. Revolutionary it is day, it saw service throughout World War One and was used in the Battle of France.



Type: Light Artillery

Training: Regular



Weapon: 75mm howitzer

  • Range: Off-Table
  • FP: 3D AT: 3D
    Notes: Artillery Suppression
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