Battle of France – French Battle Group

Armour Battles 3D Cover CroppedThis battle group is based on the 4e Division Cuirassée that saw extensive action during the Battle of France.






National Abilities

Command Dice Divider: 3.5

Staff Order Divider: 4.5

Training: All units are regular.

Battle Group Statistics

Units: 15

Command Dice: 4

Staff Orders: 3

Rally Dice: 4

Artillery Response Dice: 4

Morale: 12

Artillery Supply: Average

Initial Barrage Round Modifier: 0

Core Units


  • Panhard 178

Armour Company

  • Renault R35
  • Renault R35
  • Renault R35

Armour Company

  • Renault R35
  • Renault R35
  • Renault R35

Armour Company

  • Hotchkiss H39
  • Hotchkiss H39
  • Hotchkiss H39

Armour Company

  • Char D2
  • Char D2
  • Char D2

Off-Table Artillery

  • French 75 Battery
  • French 75 Battery
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